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External Table

External Table is the another type of table which is supported by Oracle apart from IOT and Cluster table.

External tables allow Oracle to query data that is stored outside the database in flat files. The ORACLE_LOADER (an in-built driver provided by Oracle itself) can be used to access any data stored in any format that can be loaded by invoking SQL*Loader (an in-built utility provided by Oracle itself to load the data from the flat file into the data table).

External tables enable us to read flat-files (stored on the O/S) using SQL. They have been introduced in Oracle 9i as an alternative to SQL*Loader. External tables are essentially stored SQL*Loader control files, but because they are defined as tables, we can access our flat-file data using all available read-only SQL and PL/SQL operations. We can also read flat-files in parallel and join files to other files or tables, views and so on.

In this example, the data file (emp.txt) is placed in the location, “C:\test”. Then you have to create the oracle directory from the database that should point to this physical directory. So, now oracle read the data from the flat file through this Oracle Directory and displays the data. Oracle directory is a database object.

So, whenever SELECT statement is issued against the external table, Oracle reads the data from the data file through Oracle directory with the help from ORACLE_LOADER (in-built driver) and SQL*Loader (in-built utility). Unless SELECT statement is issued, Oracle doesn’t access this data file.

This is the reason for calling this type of table as “External Table” as data is stored outside the database and it will be retrieved from that physical directory only if SELECT statement is issued against that external table.

How to verify whether the created table is “External Table” or not? Fire this query,

select * from user_external_tables where table_name = 'EMP'
ð  This query will return 1 record if the created table is External Table

select location from user_external_locations where table_name = 'EMP'
ð  This query will return all the filenames which you are going to be used against this EMP table. (These filenames should be mentioned while creating the external table)

·         External table doesn’t consume any memory space which has been allocated for the Oracle database because it reads the data from the flat file and the flat file is placed outside the database.
·         You can’t create index on the External Table since data is stored outside the database and ROWID become immaterial. With ROWID, index table can’t be created.

·         Though data is stored outside the database (especially in the flat file format[.txt or .csv]), this table can be selected, sorted, filtered, joined, intersected, minused, unioned and so on using SQL. Anything we can do in a SELECT statement with a "normal" table can be done with an external table. This makes working with external flat-files very simple
·         Views and synonyms can be created against external tables
·         They are useful in the ETL process of data warehouses since the data doesn't need to be staged.

·         No DML activity can be performed on the external table since this is meant only for read-only purpose.
·         Since index can’t be created against the external table, even searching for a single record (or list of records) would go for table full scan (actually, it is a full file scan).
·         Oracle directory can be created only for the local physical directories but not for any network directories or any remote directories.

Step1: First we have to prepare the data file either in .txt format or in .csv format. So, data file’s content should be like this, (here, it is “emp.txt”)

Step2: In the database, from SYS user (or any user having the privilege to create oracle directory), create an oracle directory which points to the physical directory where this data file is placed,
Create directory testdir as ‘c:\test’;  
As per this example, the data file is going to be placed in “c:\test” directory.

This works only for the windows directory.
For unix, same statement should be like this,
Create directory testdir as ‘home/usr/test’;

Step3: we have to assign the privileges to db users to use this oracle directory. It will be sufficient if only read & write accesses are given. To achieve this,
Grant read,write on directory testdir to scott;

With this statement, Scott user has got both the read and write privilege on this oracle directory.
Please note, the physical directory should not be read-only and it should be accessible to the db users else you can’t create this oracle directory.

Step4: once all this setup is done, we can create the external table. This is the statement to create the external table,
Empid  number,
Empname varchar2(20),
Deptname varchar2(20),
Salary number
  BADFILE 'emp.bad'
  LOGFILE 'emp.log'
  DISCARDFILE ‘emp.dis’
  LOCATION (‘emp.txt')

All the keywords used in the external table creation are explained below,
ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL      è         This clause tells Oracle that we are creating an external table;
TYPE ORACLE_LOADER          è         This is the in-built driver, this acts as an interface through which Oracle can interact with anyone outside the database
DEFAULT DIRECTOTY              è         This tells Oracle that all the files which are going to be referred will reside in this named directory (Here, it is “testdir”).
ACCESS PARAMETERS           è         This clause contains the SQL*Loader-style reference to enable Oracle to parse the flat-file into rows and columns. At this time, external tables do not offer the
                                                            extensive range of parse options that SQL*Loader provides, yet still cater for most loading requirements. Note that if we have made any syntactical errors in our
                                                            ACCESS PARAMETERS, we can still create the external table. Access parameters themselves are not parsed until we issue a SELECT against the external table.
LOCATION                                è         This clause tells what the name of data file is. (here, it is “emp.txt”). While creating the table, there is no need to place the data file. But before we issue a SELECT
                                                            Statement against this external table, we should place the file.
BADFILE                                  è         This file contains the rejected records and will be written in the same physical directory where the data file is placed. This file(“emp.bad”) will be created while executing
that SELECT statement.
LOGFILE                                   è         This file contains the information on how the input files were parsed, the positions and error messages for any rejected records and some other general information on  
the load such as the number of row successfully read and will be written in the same physical directory where the data file is placed. This file(“emp.log”) will be created while executing that SELECT statement.
DISCARDFILE                           è         This file contains the records that failed the LOAD WHEN clause and will be written in the same physical directory where the data file is placed. This file(“emp.dis”) will
                                                            be created while executing that SELECT statement.

Step5: Now, against this external table, you can write any sql that can be understood in this table.

·         Select * from emp where deptname = ‘sales’
·         Select empname from emp where eid = 1 UNION select empname from emp where eid = 3
·         Select count(*) from emp


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